5 [Best] Ideas To Create Catchy Meta Description: A Handy Guide

Writing great SEO-friendly content is not enough for SEO. You have to create a right meta description for your webpage.

But how to write a meta description?

Source: Unsplash

A meta description is a small information about your webpage (around 155 words) underneath the URL on SERP (Search Engine Result Page).

Every search engine has its own sets of rules on which its crawlers work. But there is one thing, which is same: meta description. 

A meta description is a deciding factor in your website growth. It not only helps search engine crawlers to read what your website carries but also attracts users to visit your website or webpage. 

If your meta description is not catchy and click-worthy, you will not get a good lead. This is why it is important to create the right meta description. 

Initially, some people find difficulty in writing a meta description. Once, they will learn the tips to create the right meta description, they will face no difficulty again. 

If you are one of them who is searching for how to write a meta description, then you should look for the following tips. 

Also, we will cover some of the most asked and important topics, like: 

  • Meta Description example and ideas 
  • Meta Description length
After a deep analysis and evaluation, I come up with the best tips to create the right meta description for SEO. 

So, let's dive into it. 

How To Write A Meta Description?

Wanna write a creative and catchy Meta Description, then these 5 page description ideas are for you. 

5 Best Ideas To Write Meta Description For SEO 

1. Know What Your Content Is 

This is the first step of writing a click-worthy meta description for your website or page. 
You have to analyze what your website content carries and who is your target audience. 

For example, if your content is about Java course institutes, then you have to attract students between 18-25.

Once, you analyze the content and who is your target audience, move to the next step. 

2. Collect Catchy Small Sentences From Content or Create A New Description 

It's the best page description idea to pick the sentences from your content. 
This way, you can show what your website actually carries. 

Also, it makes it easier for search engine crawler to identify and authenticate your content
So, choose small lines which are catchy and explain the whole content in about 155 words.

You can also use bullet points. But if you want to grab a huge audience by writing something special like an offer and catchy lines, then you should create your own meta description. 

For instance, (Continuing Above Example): You can write a meta description idea: 
GET 100% PLACEMENT. 10 Years of Excellence. Subject matter Specialized Trainers. 24/7 Lab Facilities. Free Study Material & Online Lectures. 

3. Use Keywords In Meta Description 

While writing a page meta description, you should always keep in mind to use Important KEYWORDS

The right keyword is not only good for SEO, but also attracts the audience. And increase the chances of conversion. 

4. Meta Description Length

This is the important thing to note when creating a meta description for the webpage.
Typically, the meta description length is about 155 words. But in some cases, you can write up to 300 words

To maintain the right meta description length, use short and important sentences.

Highlight the Keywords and use numbers (such as 100%).

5. See Your Competitor's Description 

This is the best meta tip to take description idea. You can look for your competitor's description. 
But don't copy the same description. Only take an idea and then write your own description using the above tips. 

That's all!

Now, it's time to cover some important aspects of writing a meta description for SEO. 

Meta Description Example And Ideas 

Let's take the above Java Institute case. 

Here are the meta description examples and ideas: 

BEST JAVA INSTITUTE. Free Personality Classes. Tie up With 150+ Companies for Placement. Current Industry-Based Syllabus. 

Another meta description example and idea for the same case: 

GET JAVA TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION FROM INDUSTRY EXPERTS. 100% PLACEMENT. Balanced Theoretical & Practical Classes. Free Query Classes.

Bottom Line 

While writing a meta description for SEO, this is very important to follow the right tips and ideas. 
Using catchy headlines and creating short sentences, you can create a good page description. 
So, understand the above tips and apply them to your business and get ultimate benefits of SEO! 


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